Hints and ideas
Hints and ideas
If anyone is interested in discussing ideas about this game, you can pm me.
(posted again because the text appears now in forum)
(posted again because the text appears now in forum)
Ok, got thereIsaev wrote:To discuss new ideas, it is necessary first to reach the first place with old

Thanks, I think that you helped me a lot by giving me a worthy opponent back when you were still active.Schlaule wrote:Congratulations. You're second ! Good luck for getting the 1052
Since this a post for hints, a small hint that I can give is that I used heuristics for this game but I went a little bit meta with my approach.
Anyways, this is lvl 1050 that Yharaskrik mentioned (in this post http://www.hacker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=113 )
I'm stuck at another one:teo2mirce wrote:A small hint is that level 849 is one of the hardest. Using the same program that takes max 1-2 hours to solve any levels, it took one month for this one
See https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?s ... ersion=ASV

Re: Hints and ideas
teo2mirce wrote:If anyone is interested in discussing ideas about this game, you can pm me.
(posted again because the text appears now in forum)
Re: Hints and ideas
I also use heuristics to solve it, but I have not yet understood how it can still be improved... A very interesting game, without a clue how you can get to 1052 levels!